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1 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Sep 19, 2013 2:08:39pm

As I’ve noted elsewhere, if he the rule rather than exception, I’d be tempted to “swim the Tiber” as we Anglicans call it. But I’ll keep praying that he lives long enough to make a real difference as that would bring significant good into the world.

The whole interview is here:

Also, a great article about the interview is here:

2 wheat-dogghazi  Thu, Sep 19, 2013 6:05:37pm

I like this Pope, and I’m not even remotely Catholic. He may become one of the greatest popes of the Church, if he can nudge the Church forward into the 21st century and not let it slide backward to pre-Vatican II days.

After reading the interview, I can see a man who has a deep understanding of what it means to follow Jesus, not the American Jesus of hellfire and damnation but the original Jesus of loving-kindness, tolerance and mercy. If he can inspire the rest of his flock to follow suit, the Catholic Church may yet have an important role in the world.

3 elizajane  Thu, Sep 19, 2013 9:39:37pm

re: #2 wheat-dogghazi

I like this Pope, and I’m not even remotely Catholic. He may become one of the greatest popes of the Church, if he can nudge the Church forward into the 21st century and not let it slide backward to pre-Vatican II days.

After reading the interview, I can see a man who has a deep understanding of what it means to follow Jesus, not the American Jesus of hellfire and damnation but the original Jesus of loving-kindness, tolerance and mercy. If he can inspire the rest of his flock to follow suit, the Catholic Church may yet have an important role in the world.

This, a hundred times this.

I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with Catholicism, but this Pope really pushes the balance on that. And who can not love a Pope who does such a great selfie?
When Sullivan first posted that a few weeks ago, I could not stop smiling.

4 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Sep 20, 2013 1:18:56am

I am starting to warm to this new Pope, will not take the Roman Catholic Church seriously until the College of Cardinals and Cardinelles convenes to elect a new Pope/Popess.

5 CuriousLurker  Fri, Sep 20, 2013 2:52:07am

He’s kinda like the Sufi Pope—he’s got that mystical thing going on. I like him.

6 wheat-dogghazi  Fri, Sep 20, 2013 4:18:30am

re: #5 CuriousLurker

He’s kinda like the Sufi Pope—he’s got that mystical thing going on. I like him.

I like that — the Sufi Pope. Updinged.

There has long been a mystical strain among Catholics. Thomas Merton, who studied Buddhism very closely for years, would be another “mystical” Catholic. (From the Abbey of Gethsemane, Kentucky!) Francis of Assisi, the Pope’s namesake, would certainly qualify. I mean, talking to animals and stuff …

7 CuriousLurker  Fri, Sep 20, 2013 4:44:50am

re: #6 wheat-dogghazi

He knows how to touch hearts, and that’s an important skill. I can’t recall ever having seen a Pope like him in my lifetime. His spiritual humility is 1000 times more impressive than any of the grand, worldly trappings of the papacy.

8 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 20, 2013 8:00:38am

The contrast between Francis and Benedict to me can’t be more clear at this point. Francis seems willing to go after taboo subjects that Benedict or John Paul would have touched. I’m not religious in the slightest but knowing the influence that the RCC has in the world, I hope that Francis can continue to use his position to challenge old biases in the church and move it forward. His attitude on LGBT people is a breath of fresh air.

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